Jerome's Homepage

(maybe some of you can help me come up with a more creative title...)


Swarthmore College Senior Honors Thesis, March 2006:


This is now really, really out of date... Serious updating is needed. In brief, I'm spending Summer 2005 working on the Ion Doppler Spectrometer at the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment.

WARNING: The following has not been updated since summer 2004.

Well here we go. Click on image to see higher-resolution photo.
These pictures date from when I visited Swat a few days before leaving for Iowa.
First up: Venti, at her computer. Who can know what she's up to?

Rachel in Jillian's room. Contrary to what Rachel said, that pictures of her seldom came out well, I think this picture is not too bad.

If I recall correctly, we hung out in Jillian's room for a while before deciding to meet people at Cheng Hing for dinner. The following two photos are thus from Cheng Hing:

I got back to ML to find Jessica, Saurav, and Maki making chicken pot pie. I particularly liked the puff pastry crust Jessica was baking. Here are photos of Jessica, Saurav, and me.

Well, that's all my Swarthmore pics, or at least all the ones that came out well enough to post. In the interest of those who are using dial-up internet connections, I'm going to put my Iowa pics on another page.

Pictures from Iowa

Last modified 21 September 2005.