Iowa Pictures

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Where to begin, then? Perhaps an exterior shot of my dorm, Mayflower Hall, will do it. It's sort of like ML to the main Iowa downtown campus, which is a mile away and up a hill. The rooms are nice though; a kitchenette with large fridge and oven and a bathroom between every 2 rooms. Given that there's no one in the adjoining room, it's just my roommate and me. Plus, there's AC. It's posh compared to Swat dorms, but HUGE. The right side of the dorm, where I'm staying, could probably accomodate all of Willets and Wharton combined. That side of the hall is a long as all of Willets, and there are 8 stories.

And now, the view from my dorm. Mayflower overlooks the Iowa River, so one can get a nice view in the mornings. If I've missed the Cambus shuttle or just feel like walking to lab, I get a nice view.

On my way in, as I approach downtown, I pass some of the dorms. This one is particularly elegant. There are some stately fraternity/sorority houses here too.

When I do take the bus, I get off here, at the Pappajohn Business Building. I just had to get a picture of this as it reminds me of Papa John's Pizza. Note the Cambus in the background.

Here is the physics/astronomy building, Van Allen Hall. The building is named after the same van Allen for whom the radiation belts in space are named. He is one of the emeritus professors here at Iowa. The interior of the building is unfortunately drab and institutional-looking. The equipment and resources here are far more extensive than those at Swarthmore. For example, though the picture doesn't show them, there are several optical telescopes and a radio telescope on the roof.

This is the apparatus I'll be working on. Inside the vacuum chamber, we form dusty plasma crystals. If' you're curious, feel free to email me.

The next several shots feature downtown Iowa City. First, here are two views of the Old Capitol, a University building that served as the capitol of Iowa in the 1800's. Unfortunately, there's a crane as it's under renovation. Several years ago, workmen were doing asbestos removal in the golden dome with heat guns and ignited a serious fire.

One nice area downtown is the Ped Mall shopping area. The brick paths free of traffic remind me a bit of some European cities. There are always people sitting on the benches here, relaxing. On Friday evenings this summer, bands will perform here.

In Iowa City, the University's Hawkeye sports teams are much more prominent than their counterparts at Swarthmore. This summer, statues of Herky, the Iowa mascot, are on display around the downtown area. Various artists and local groups have decorated them. I think New York City did something similar with cows a few summers ago.

Last but not least, three of my fellow REU students. From left: Cindy, RaeLin, and Tom. Something happened on the right side since this was the last shot on the roll of film; I should figure out how to crop this.

And that's all for now.

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