Trackle's distinguising features:

Two Classes of Users

Don't trust your users to know Postfix from Pine? MBox from Mailman? Apache from apt-get? Trackle is for you. Ordinary users can file trouble reports quickly and easily through Trackle, without getting distracted by prompts for information they are unlikely to understand anyway. Anonymous users are given an absolutely minimal set of fields to gather just that information which is pertinent and available to them.

Your staff users, on the other hand, who know more about the system setup, are prompted for all the information they ought to know. Staff users are granted a Trackle username and password, so they don't have to go through the process of email confirmation to take actions in the web interface like ordinary users.

Two Interfaces

Trackle provides interfaces appropriate for the task: when solving problems, system administrators use Trackle's console tool to view open issues, select one, and begin a tracked problem-solving session attached to that issue. All files the admin changes and all commands he or she enters in this tracked shell session are recorded and eventually saved to the issue database.

Once this information is gathered from the console environment, the web interface provides a rich organization environment, which allows users to arrange, distill, abstract, and represent the embodied knowledge of a running system in a human-friendly manner.

Integrated Wiki

Trackle's integrated Wiki functionality means no organization of the information you generate is imposed on you, and no structure is beyond your reach. With Trackle, you are free to cross-reference, annotate, and rearrange your information. The sky is the limit with our wiki, and nothing is ever lost: every change you make is recorded, should you ever need to revert to an earlier copy.

Changes, at a glance

Trackle enables sysadmins to quickly determine what was changed in a tracked shell session. Through the web interface, files are displayed with changed sections colored. No longer do you have to puzzle through patch files or diffs, nor integrate these changes to existing file versions in your head. Additionally, Trackle shows which files were added or removed in their entirety during the course of a tracked shell session.