Hi. I'm Alla Brukman.
No you're not. You're Alla's web page.
Shut up. Did anyone ask you? What she doesn't know won't hurt her.
Oh, and is that supposed to make it better? At least admit that you're lying instead of making some lame justification.
You think you're so high and mighty, don't you? Well, no one wants to listen to you anyway. Besides, the truth is so boring. What am I supposed to say? That I sit here on the server until Alla decides to procrastinate, or, god forbid, someone else actually looks at me? I think not.
At least that would be the truth. And if sitting on a server is your lot in life, there's nothing to be ashamed of. We all have our duty to perform--
Bite me. As I was saying, I am in the Class of 2000 at Swarthmore College, located, oddly enough, in a Philadelphia suburb called Swarthmore. I am majoring in biology--
Get your facts right, you liar. Alla has submitted her sophomore plan of study, but she hasn't heard from the department yet.
Excuse me for a moment, dear viewer, I have to take care of someone...err...something.
(A brief scuffle ensues.)That's better. No more interruptions. You can find out more about me, or follow the links below. Enjoy...

My photo album.

The Freaks of Willets S219.

Alla gets poetic.

Scary, obsessive lyrics.

You may read an article I wrote for The Phoenix, Swarthmore's newspaper.

A list of courses that I have taken at Swat so far.

[a line, not that important]

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updated on April 30, 1998