High school graduation. To my left is someone possessed by the devil. Oh wait, it's just Peter Honig.

Before-prom photo. Happy? (The whole room is tilted...because the laws of gravity don't apply to my house...)

Swarthmore's Magill Walk in the fall of 1996. Very pretty. Postcard quality photo, if I do say so myself.

Janet and Kelly in Janet's room freshman year.

I could tell you lots of embarassing things about these people, but they would probably shun me afterward.

Fernanda was my RA freshman year in Parrish 4E. In this picture, she is modeling her finals studying outfit, and I am modeling some clothes from the Gap.

M y sophomore year hall, Willets 2nd South! Click on the picture to see the whole photo (249 K) and to find out who's who. [my hallmates]
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