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Werewolf Hunter Wraith Pendragon

Role-playing games.  The very word strikes fear and loathing into the hearts of some, images of laughable dorks to others, and misspent college nights to a select few.  I leave you to make your own judgments, but if you're reading this, you probably have at least a whiff of interest.

Role-playing games can be fun and diverting.  I won't go into a tirade about this here, but Matthew McFarland's page has matter on that subject.  Actually, his page has more useful information on gaming theory (if I may coin a term) than I can ever hope to put here.  This is probably because he's in the industry, and I've only played such games for a few years.  Perhaps.  One never can tell.

There are a few games in particular that I like: Pendragon, published by Green Knight games, and the Storyteller line of games published by White Wolf (see my house rules and my character-making question list).  The first is an Arthurian game, which is the sort of thing that garners my interest, but not that of many others, it seems.  The second is a line of modern-day horror games.  I want to stress here that, at least for me, a crucial element of horror is hope.  With no light at the end of the tunnel, the contrast is lost.  With the light, there's always that chance that you can make it...and the horror is when you don't.

There are other games I have played, such as Alternity and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.  These are both published by Wizards of the Coast, since bought by Hasboro, I believe.  They're fine games, but have really messy rules systems.  Not a plus.

Above, I have links to some resources for Pendragon and a few of the Storyteller games.  More occasionally is posted, so if you find any of this useful, check back in.

Here is a link to some historical information I have found interesting.

Ben Buckner has made this marvelous thing called characturge.  If you play any White Wolf games, you may find it very useful.  Here is the program itself, and here are my character sheets for it.  Note: the Werewolf Pack sheet is made for the rules that Fredrik Svanberg has for Garou Packs.

Also note: my character sheets are very bad for keeping track of freebies and worse for keeping track of experience.  These two things I tend to tally be hand.

Note: there are some copyrighted and some trademarked things on these pages, none of which are intended as any sort of affront to said rights.  If you are the holder of one of the copyrights/ trademarks, and object to the use of said item, just tell me, and I'll be glad to accommodate your wishes in that regard.  Nicely circumloquacious, neh?