On this page you will find links to various types of lesson plans that I have created and/or used during my time at the Swarthmore-Rutledge School. I do, however, have to credit my cooperating teacher as well as the third grade team at SRS for helping me to develop and refine these lessons along the way - we truly worked as a team.


Mathematics Lesson

        SRS uses the Everyday Mathematics curriculum, so these lessons are primarily based on that program. However, I did         create many enrichment activities for my students as well as alternative lessons for re-teaching. Included in this area is also a 3         week unit plan on the topic of measurement, area and perimeter.



Science Lesson

During the beginning of the school year the third grade science curriculum focuses on rocks and minerals using a specific curriculum. These lessons show the lessons used during my time at the school.



Social Studies Lesson

    The third grade at SRS does not have a social studies curriculum to work from, so all lessons and units are     constructed by the teachers. The focus for the fall, however, is always on world geography and countries of the     world because of the annual celebration of UN Day on October 24th. For this reason, the lessons in this area     are all geared towards a study of world cultures and map skills.



Spelling and Writing Lesson


This section includes lessons for the weekly spelling and editing work as well as some of the writing lessons taught. A major unit on poetry was conducted, but other smaller lessons on topics such as writing a good lead were also part of the writing program. The actual writing time was structured around the writer's workshop format and included a drafting, conferencing and sharing time.


Reading Lessons

        The class was divided into three different reading groups which used the same format for reading meetings. Group A met on Monday, Group B         on Tuesday and Group C on Wednesday. The only difference between the groups is that Group B was of a higher reading level than the other         two - Group A and C were of equal reading ability. Three separate books were read during the time and the lessons are outlined in this section.



Enrichment Activities

Here you will find lessons for those times in the elementary school classroom when you need to fill in the time with something educational.



The School
My Class
Student Work Samples
Instruction and Accommodations
Reflection on my Experience

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