I haven't written much since senior year in high school and everything here dates back to then. When I do have time to work on my own projects I've been more inclined to art recently. Maybe I'll put some of that online some day too. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy reading this; I know I had fun writing it. Coach Stegall, thanks for making me believe I could do this.

I can't remember anything about writing this one, but I'm pretty sure it began as a ten minute writing in class. It appeared in the 1996 issue of TJ's lit mag Threshhold, which I thought was pretty cool because I didn't know I had submitted it. Too bad they didn't include Warren Menzer's The Web of Man - but that's another story.
The Adventures of Young Farmer Staedler
My first short story. Aw.
I've been told this is really about me. It's not, I swear. Heck, I'm not even Italian.
This is the result of an assignment to emulate a work by Boist. I have a hunch Boist probably wrote more than one poem, but you'll have to figure out which one this is on your own because I forgot the title.
I wrote this in a big hurry for some assignment that was due the next day and got kinda lucky with it.
Dear That Kid
You'll have to have gone to TJ to understand this one, in which case you'll recognize it from 1996 yearbook. With love to Dr. Carla Yock. <smirk>
This is another yearbook article. It had no title, but then someone on yearbook staff decided to name us that. Like all manly things, it's pretty self explanatory.
This was one of about six poems I had to write in one weekend. The do-it-at-the-last-minute method didn't work as well as it did for Fireflies, so no, you can't see the other five. This one's kind of weird, but I'm sure I had something in mind when I wrote it.

all work © Lorrin Nelson, use without permission is prohibited