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Frequently Asked Questions

 Who are the Senior Class Officers and what do you do?
 I’d like to get involved? Who do I contact?

Senior Week
 What is this whole ‘Senior Week’ thing?
 What are the trips going to be?
 How much will this cost?
 Sounds great. Sign me up!

Class Gift
 What exactly is this so-called "Class Gift?"
 What is the Gift going to be?
 How much does the Gift cost?
 Where does the money come from?
 How can I donate?

 Hey, you didn’t answer my question!!!


Who are the Senior Class Officers and what do you do?

The officers are President Kai Xu, Vice-President Renee Willemsen-Goode, Secretary Sophy Acord, and Class Agent Jeremy Schifeling. They are ably assisted by Pub Nite Maestro Brett Klukan and DJ Extraordinaire Phil Watts, as well as a crack team of expert drivers, and many, many others. However, we can always use more help, be it assisting at Pub Nite, driving to stores, or throwing a fundraiser, so drop us a line if you’re interested.

We are in charge of organizing Senior Week, choosing a Class Gift, and fundraising insane amounts of cash to pay for all of this. In addition, we’ll be helping to throw class reunions post-Swat (the first is just two years away!) and keeping you posted on the achievements of your classmates through the Alumni Bulletins.

I’d like to get involved? Who do I contact?

You can connect with all of the officers by emailing us at officers03@sccs.swarthmore.edu. Alternatively, feel free to call or email one of us individually. Again, there’s a lot to do and we’d love to have your help, even if it’s just in the form of a suggestion or comment.

Senior Week

What is this whole ‘Senior Week’ thing?

Senior Week, held the week before Graduation (link to Calendar page here), is sort of like Orientation in reverse. With classes and exams but a distant memory, you can finally just chill out, meet or renew ties with classmates, and enjoy Swat for all that it’s worth! Traditionally there are a number of events on campus, including the Senior Dinner and Green Bottle, as well as many off-campus trips sponsored by your class officers, such as outings to Philly or the beach.

What are the trips going to be?

While the final roster of outings is still being worked out, you can get a taste of the many ideas by visiting our Senior Week page, which will be updated as more info becomes available. Needless to say, the trips should be a blast and will definitely cater to a variety of tastes. And, if you’ve got a suggestion for a possible destination, feel free to let us know!

How much will this cost?

It all depends on the specific destination, but we are doing our absolute best to minimize costs. All trips will be subsidized by our different fundraising initiatives (Pub Nite, Senior t-shirts, donut sales, etc.), which means that some will be free while others may require a small personal contribution.

Sounds great. Sign me up!

Not so fast, tiger. We’re still planning the various events and activities. However, rest assured that as Senior Week approaches, we’ll have sign-up boards in Parrish to choose the specific trips that you want. In the meantime, just continue to support your class fundraisers since all money we raise ends up coming back to you – an incredible scam if ever there was one!

Class Gift

What exactly is this so-called "Class Gift?"

The gift is the Class of 2003’s way of leaving its mark on the campus and the community. It’s not a gift to the administration or to the officers, but to future generations of Swatties who will benefit from our contribution. And finally, it’s a gift to our class – something that we can all enjoy and gather ‘round for years to come.

What is the Gift going to be?

The Gift has not been finalized yet, but we’ve received a lot of great suggestions thus far and would always appreciate more. Keep in mind that the Gift need not be something traditional like a tree or bench, and in fact, we’re shooting for something really distinctive that will highlight our class’s achievements. However, it must obviously be financially feasible and meet the College’s administrative guidelines (see below for more). Also, please realize that the Gift can be multi-faceted, including perhaps a physical installation and a donation to a local charity. Additionally, there will be a percentage contribution to the Annual Giving Fund, which covers the cost of the “hidden scholarship” that each Swattie enjoys (about $20,000, given that the actual cost of a Swat education is about $50,000 per year).

How much does the Gift cost?

This depends on how much money we raise. Past classes have raised anywhere between $1,500 and $4,000. The really important aspect, though, is participation, so we’re definitely encouraging everyone to give something – even if it’s just a few dollars. Furthermore, an anonymous matchbox couple has generously agreed to match our contribution dollar-for-dollar if we can exceed the participation rate achieved by the Class of 2002 (just 30% - suckers!).

Where does the money come from?

This is a very important consideration since the entirety of the Gift must be funded through personal donations. This means that none of the money raised through Pub Nite or any of the other class fundraisers can go to the Gift (and besides, it’s all helping to pay for Senior Week festivities). In other words, seniors and their families must give to the Gift Fund directly.

How can I donate?

 Mail - Check payable to “Swarthmore College”

Gift Records
500 College Ave
Swarthmore, PA 19081

 Phone - (800) 660-9714
 Online - http://gift.swarthmore.edu

In any situation, make sure to specify that the donation is for the Class of 2003 Gift Fund. On the website, you can put this in the Comments section. And remember, participation is the key thing here, so please donate only as much as you feel comfortable with.


Hey, you didn’t answer my question!!!

Whoops - our bad. However, we might have the answer elsewhere on our site, so be sure to check out our other pages on specific class activities. And of course, feel free to contact us at officers03@sccs.swarthmore.edu. We’d be glad to help in any way possible.



Copyright © 2003-2005 Class of 2003 of Swarthmore College Last Update: 09.18.06