
Welcome to the Homepage of Katrina Clark

I would like to take this time to thank Jackie Aponte for all of the pointers and copying priveleges. You should visit her webpages, titled surblimity. Jackie is a phenomenal artist. Get to know her now. She'll be really famous one day. I guarantee it.

Many thanks to Rafael Hinojosa who taught me the first steps to making a web page. I'll always consider him my first mentor when it comes to anything related to computers. This guy is brilliant. During the summer of 1998 we created webpages for the Intercultural Center at Swarthmore College. That summer Rafa taught me Claris Homepage, Pagemaker, Photoshop, et al. Thanks a million, Rafa!

Off the computer topic, I would like to thank my mother, Janet Clark, for being there for me my whole life. Even though my father was in and out, she never left. I would not be here if it weren't for her. I don't want to think about where I would be. Thank you for everything, Mommy!

For those of you who feel you should be on here, you're probably right. Right now it's just people directly connected to my webpages. However, for those people who have affected my life in so many great ways, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have helped to guide my journey thus far and I won't forget you.

Welcome to the Homepage of Katrina Clark

[main] - [ footprints ] - [ notes from my journey ]-[ City Year ]
[Words] - [Acknowledgements]- [Links to Other Journeys]