
Quad Transplant

In the fall of 1996 four sophmores moved into the rooms at the end of the hall on Mertz 1st South. What followed was the formation of Quad, a group of five (yes five) friends and mutual procrastinators.

While the room in Mertz was definately the center of Quad life, it is hardly the defining characteristic of Quaddies, and this coming year the Quad is effectively being transplanted into five singles in the twisted halls of Dana - with many late nights of hot choclate consumption and window seats in our future. As Audrey so aptly observed one day:

"The Quad will never die!"

The Quad Movie Connection

The crusade of movies is definately scheduled to continue on into the coming year - the list seems to continue to grow every time I visit the video store! Movies currently appearing on the slate for saturdays this fall (although subject to Quad approval) are:

Last modified: 6/27/97
Susan Hunt