The Year the Was... Episode V

The website you are browsing, either by choice or accident, was concieved during the last week of exams in December 1996. This journal was added when I returned to school in late January and has been a running, if sometimes erratic, commentary on things I've done and cared about since 1997. You are currently browsing my second year on the web...

Two years, and it feels like only yesterday I arrived at Swarthmore... pretty soon I'll be moving on, but for now I like to remember a little bit about the past... Below is a little attempt at organization of the events in this journal by month, with a couple comments about anything I thought was particularly exciting. Since my commets are rather sparse for this year, it shouldn't take long...

Have a good time browsing the Year that Was, Episode V.

Created The Year That Was
watched a lot of movies
settled back into Swarthmore.

[february]Spent a lot of time working on applications for summer work.

[march] Took a terrific spring break trip to California to visit friends.

[april] Found a summer job
picked a new room

[may] Prepared to leave for my first trans-atlantic flight... to France!

Condor went down, so my website was off-line for the month...

Bought a lovely bridesmaid's dress for my sister's wedding in October!
Turned 21!

Visited friend in NYC

Back at Swat and crazy busy as usual

I broke my ankle
attended my sister's wedding

[november] Worked...

[december] Another successful Movie Night!
Saw the Episode I trailer! The countdown begins...

Last modified: 2/11/99
Susan Hunt