The World View Scene

Julie gave me some ideas for a scene which could explore the religious/ WorldView side of things.

The essence of the scene is these four characters talking:
Character1:Depressed, Down in a hole, losing his/her soul.
Character2:Jesus is the way out.
Character3:The intellect is the way out, religion is a social construct.
Character4:Be in touch with Nature and your Spirit..

What will make this scene interesting, I think, is the way we tell it. We could have three separate conversations throughout the evening, and maybe a fourth one where the all three world views talk to Depressed.
What might be a more interesting way of dealing with it would be to have the three WorldView characters talking to Depressed in the same scene, oblivious of each other.Think about it.

Humor is critical to the success of this scene, I think. We need to place the characters in a definite context, a clear world, which, for the beginning, might be Swarthmore.

Let's produce some scripts... I think this scene needs to be scripted.

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