R o b ' s P a g e s

Photos by RobMonk

I am constantly revising this small collection of photos and other graphics. These are all scans of my own work. Below are thumbnail links to larger files. The color images below are scanned from prints from slide film, and since the prints were very large, the scanning process required cropping that doesn't do them justice. If you like anything here, feel free to use it for non-commercial use, but give me credit, and copy the image file to use from your own server, not mine. If you want a richer file (format) or a photo-chemical produced print, please email me about my photos. If you include them on a web page or other presentation, I'd like to hear about it. I might even incorporate a link to your page.

All contents copyright 1993-1997 Robert Monk

from Deep Springs College ...

The Bull-pen, Spring, 1995

door to the post-office, 9pm, early Spring, 1994

an abandoned apron from the BH (boarding house) on our laundry lines, disintegrated by desert sun bleaching.

Irrigation line on the newly wheat-sprung South 40; Fall, 1993

Some other favorites of mine...

Somewhere at Swarthmore College


Ivan, left front; Chris, right rear.


Una in front; Thomas behind.

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