Tombstone Sounds!

These sounds are all in Windows .WAV format. If you have the LiveAudio Plugin, when you click on a sound, a control panel will pop up that will let you play the sound. If you want to download the sound, then click and hold the mouse button down (right button for Windows users) and select “Save this Link As...” and then make sure you save it as a source file, not text. Once downloaded, Macintosh users may need SoundAPP or a related application to use them.

They were sampled at 22KHz, so they are a little large, but if you like this movie like I do, you will agree that the size is worth it! I have trimmed my collection of late, as I figured TWO YEARS was long enough for most people to get a chance to download my sounds. I may go through the tape again sometime, but only to get small sounds. No need to email me; I know the sounds y'all want! :)

Doc Holliday

The End of Ed Bailey

The Duel

The Duel with Johnny Ringo

The Showdown

Johnny Ringo

Wyatt Earp

The encounter with Johnny Tyler

Virgil Earp

John Behan

  • Seen how everyone dresses? Awful toney for a mining camp. No sir, the die is cast, we are growing. Be as big as San Francisco in a few years and just as sophisticated...[BANG!] (256 K)

    The Mexican Priest

  • Un caballo ballo, bajará por la montaña y quien lo cabalgue será la muerte y el infierno se abrirá, ¡Todos nos moriremos! (201 K)

  • Amor de Dios. ¡Amor de Dios es lo que ustedes no tienen! Tú eres el hijo de satana[BANG!] (197 K)

    Ike Clanton

  • Hey. “Lovin’ man”, you been called. (140 K)

  • Don’t you ever put yer hands on me, see. Don’t you ever try to manhandle a cowboy, ’cause we’ll cut yer goddam pimp’s heart out, you understand me, you pimp? (171 K)


  • Hey professor! Catch this! (234 K)

    Mr. Fabian

  • My dear, you have set your gaze on the quintessential frontier type. Note the lean silhouette, eyes: closed by the sun, though sharp as a hawk. He's got the look of both predator...and prey (243 K)


  • Robert Mitchum's closing speech (932 K)

    Back to Tombstone

    Dylan Humphrey

    (sorry for any gaps! Last updated 10 August 2003)