I Love it Here

This whole planet...I haven't seen very much of it, really. But...doesn't it just blow your mind sometimes? I wanted to make a list (I love making lists) of the things that I have experienced which really knocked me out. So here goes!

  • For one, I really liked Mexico, and the pyramids and the people and all that. I should get some pictures online, huh?

  • Egypt was great, the people were wonderful, the sights were amazing, but...the greatest thing I saw was at Giza...when I got to stand between the paws of...
    The Sphinx

  • the Sphinz was great stuff, but it didn't Take My Breath Away like this next one...oh my, for a good ten seconds, too! If you are ever on the planet Earth in the near future, I highly recommend you speeding yourself down to Arizona to see
    The Grand Canyon

  • I haven't been anywhere of that magnitude lately, though an argument could be made for Swarthmore. I really hope I find an occupation that allows me to see more of this wondrous world!

    Ahhhh what a time I've been having! Went to Winchester, VA
    Seattle, WA
    San Mateo, CA
    this summer to see my older siblings. gosh, I love traveling. Have you ever thought it weird that it's traveling and not travelling??


    Dylan W Humphrey
    Swarthmore Class of 1998