Hello and welcome!

This is my webpage.

And this is me.

Chances are that if you're here, you already know that. But if you don't know me, or you'd like to know more about me, that's what this page is for. Please sit back and enjoy the ride.

I was born, and for the most part raised in the sprawling suburbs of Kansas City. To learn more about these formative years go here. This page also features information on my family, the people you should blame for me.

Time passed, and I worked my way up through the educational ranks. I passed through being a Belinder Brave, a Brookwood Beaver, a Mission Valley Mustang, finally reaching the rank of Shawnee Mission East Lancer. Click here to learn about those seldom-missed high school days.

After graduation, I went off to Swarthmore College where I majored in art history and music, and enjoyed every minute of it. Well, not counting the endless nights of readings and papers. But now, I'm done with that. What this education will do for me is yet to be proven. On the other hand, my time there has been well spent. To learn more about the quotes, people, and other adventures at Swat, as well as my hobbies and activities, click here.

Enjoy this site. If you care to see what's happening currently in what I call a life, visit my web journal! Or contact me!