Random thoughts about the show i loved...

may 05, 1999 -- 10:33 pm

jess and i decided to watch an episode. yes, i have a final at 9 in the morning that i really, really should be studying for... but that's okay. i iced my ankle while we watched, and then did exercises. it was such the perfect episode to watch, for some reason...

the one all about the world happiness dance where no one is really happy. brian and delia, brian and angela, angela and jordan, rickie and corey, corey and rayanne... ah, the beauty. that episode has some of my all time favorite lines...

Brian: So, say you're choosing between these two particular patterns, of wallpaper. And one, you definitely know, you like, but let's say it's... way out of your price range? And the other one, it's like, nice wallpaper and all, but you're just not sure if it's really...

Graham: For you?

Brian: Exactly. So, do you go with the wallpaper you can afford, even if you maybe don't... desire it as much... or do you wait until the other one is like... cheaper...

Graham: I'd say it depends on how badly you need wallpaper.

Brian: I would say pretty badly.

why was it so perfect to watch? i don't know... but it was great. maybe that feeling of frustrated love... no, i don't know. i'm not all that frustrated with my love life. not that there's so much going on at the moment, but i'm enjoying that. just being by myself, but with all these crushes, all these possibilities...

   april 5, 1999 -- 12:50 am

we just got back from watching my so-called life in mccabe. the episode where rayanne almost o.d.'s and pattie saves the day. and angela, at the end, talks about tarot cards... god, i love this show. it was so perfect at the time, sophomore year of high school, and angela was a sophomore too... and our lives were just too too similar. garcia and i talked about it every thursday night.

i love my so-called life.
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© sarah kowalski
updated october 26, 1999