Evesham Veterinary Clinic     

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Pet Information

Geriatric Care

Since pets are living longer, senior wellness is becoming more important for maintaining quality of life. In addition to a comprehensive physical exam for patients over 7 years old, changes in eating, drinking or behavior habits may provide clues to hidden problems. Screening blood work provides a base-line for internal health and is doubly important for many older patients receiving chronic medications.

A Geriatric Care protocol has been developed to identify health risks before they become evident. Beginning at around age 7, your pet enters his or her senior years. Their health can change rapidly, but many of these changes go unnoticed. Our pets can develop many of the same diseases that we do.

Our Geriatric Care Includes:

    A complete physical examination

    A complete urinalysis

    A thorough lab panel (bloodwork)

These tests and the physical exam can help to detect conditions such as diabetes, glaucoma, heart disease, liver disease, dental disease, arthritis, kidney disease, thyroid problems and cancer. Early detection is very helpful in the prevention of disease and can minimize suffering.



Last modified: 05/02/08