Besides my own personal account, I can’t offer much more Tori content compared to what other, more devoted, Tori Amos fans have out there (by far the best, if you haven’t checked out A Dent in the Tori Amos Net Universe, you have not seen obsession.) That is, except for my small gallery of pictures from before the April 26th Philadelphia club show, when I stood literally two feet away from her.

The amount of time I invested into this concert is silly. I camped out on the sidewalk in early April just to buy a voucher for a general reserve ticket. For tickets that went on sale at 10 AM on a Saturday, I got there around 6 PM on Friday night. If you think I’m nuts, there were about 20 people who were there before me. By 5 or 6 AM Saturday, there were literally thousands of people standing in line, wrapped all the way around a bunch of blocks. Since the ticket wasn’t reserved, I got there about six hours early on the day of the concert. After getting a place in line, I ended up wandering to the back of the venue and there was a little meet and greet around 5 PM or so as she got off of her tour bus. I have witnesses who can corroborate that this is the dialogue that occurred between Tori Amos and myself:

Me: Um, hello.

Tori Amos: Hi, honey

Me (practically whimpering): Duh, good luck tonight.

So these are the pictures that I took.

tori-1.JPG (my personal favorite)








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