"The Temple of Chaos" lyrics by Benjamin Newman ttto: The Temple of Fiends theme from Final Fantasy by Nobuo Uematsu / Em D C -D / Em D A C / G D Em D / C F D4 D / Step from the darkness of the future Into the darkness of the past, As the world that you fight for crumbles into dust, Nothing but the darkness can last... Step from a tapestry of order Into the chaos left behind! In this place the beginning is the end of all - What else did you think you would find? I know a way to live forever! The catch is, the world must be destroyed. Time bending round into and endless loop, Space swirling into the void... I summoned the elemental forces, I called them to open up the door, Sending me back in time two thousand years, So I could send them forward once more! Then, all the elements turned fiendish, Leaving destruction in their wake. My minions were marching forth to crush the world! How much more of war could they take? So, Lefein sent warriors to stop me. They came in a ship out of the sky. Their five greatest champions turned into bats, With one little blink of my eye! / " / " / " / C D Em - / Now, four more fools have come before me, Their weapons drawn as if to fight! What does the Lord of Chaos have to fear From four so-called Heroes of Light?