"Taking You Down" lyrics by Benjamin Newman ttto: Dr. Wily's theme from Megaman 2 by Manami Matsumae/Yuukichan's Papa /: Am - / F - / G - / Am - :/ [Why'd you do it, Wily?! -- people trusted the droids that we made! -- I trusted you, and that trust was betrayed! -- Now those rogue robots will have to be destroyed!] If there's a reason why you do what you do, I can't tell -- I'm too busy blasting your robots to hell -- What did Monsteropolis ever do to you? / F - / G Am / F - / G E / I'm feeling some deja vu, here; [This has happened before -- it seems like only last year. When it was over, they locked you away--] But who else could have plotted what happened today? | So we knew who was behind it when the city was attacked: You again, | Taking over the world with your robotic henchmen -- | Well, don't look now, but I think they've all been scrapped! | | [We'll fight, | But we have to do this right! | Wily must be caught alive, and locked up tight!] | And I guess that brings us to the end of the line -- you and me -- | You always knew this was the way it had to be! | Don't know about you but that suits me just fine. | | (You can send me to jail, | But my horde of loyal robots won't fail me -- | Just like before, they'll blast open the door, | And I'll escape under cover of night!) It's true, Dr. Light, we can't let him live, No matter how much you may want to forgive; If he escapes again, he'll come back much stronger -- He's a menace to us all, but he won't be much longer! / F G / Am - / F G / Am - / | [If anyone can stop you, Dr. Wily, | Megaman can, Megaman can!] | I'm on my way, and it won't be long 'til I'll be | Taking you down! | | (It's impossible to sneak into my castle -- | If Megaman tries, then Megaman dies! | If my robotic sentries see you pass they'll be | Taking you down!) You can wiggle your eyebrows all day, I don't care -- while you boast About your defenses and about how I'm toast, We're tracing your signal to your secret lair. When I beam in to the coordinates we traced, what I see Is a forbidding wasteland spread before me -- Dr. Wily, you sure know how to pick a place! I can see your fortress looming -- Skull Castle, like an omen of doom... But I know that skull's just there to scare me; So I'm charging ahead, 'cause I know I'm prepared! | Sneaking past your first line of defenses by stealth -- climb the wall -- | Taking out the guard drones with no trouble at all, | I can use their batteries to recharge my own health. | | [Son, | Aim steady with your gun! | I know that you can do what has to be done.] | Now to search the roof for an convenient door -- slip inside... | But there's so many places in here where you could hide -- | I guess I'm just gonna have to ransack every floor. | | (Well said, Dr. Light, | But are you sure that kid is ready to fight me? | I've got some new tricks up my sleeve -- | Oh, yes, this is going to be fun!) Hey you, I'm inside your fortress, Dodging your traps, making a terrible mess! Zapped all your droids and robot clones -- How do you plan to stop me now that you've run out of drones? | It's time to surrender, Dr. Wily, | You know that I've won, there's nowhere to run -- | Hell, you don't even have a gun, and I'm | Taking you down! | | (It's time to retreat to my secret lair | To make my last stand, remote control in my hand; | So, blue boy, you had better be prepared, 'cause I'm | Taking you down!)