"The Messenger" lyrics and music by Benjamin Newman / A2 G FG A2 / / A2 - F G / A2G FG FG A2 / All for to be their messenger, they've flayed away his hide And made the black blood run in lines upon his naked side All for to be their messenger, and go where he is sent A faithful page, of a brazen age, so into the night he went But now a storm's come out of the East, and he's been long waylaid And at long last the village priest has found him where he's strayed And the priest he's brought him from the dust and out into the air To be seen again in the sight of men, his message still to bear But now the priest he's turned him o'er to a strange and awful fate For the judge he's said he were better dead, for his message came too late But if he'll but repent his crime, new words and true they'll give So they've scraped his skin clean off again, and said they'll let him live Now once again the black blood's flowed, and he's been sent away And been waylaid upon his road, and lost to the light of day Again his message comes too late, and not to where it ought Two charges now he's borne astray, and the first he's clean forgot Now kinder men have healed his hurts, for he'd wounded sore And they've shone a strange light on him, and he's told them all, and more For all that time and torture tried and treated him their worst He's borne each tale true to his end, both the second and the first