september 7


evening in the fragrance garden: there's somethings making a racket behind me, a rumbling muffled in paper. peering over my shoulder i can see one of the large white blossoms bouncing around with a faintly visible big black bumble bee trapped inside. the flower has closed up for the night, the outside rim having taken after a camera shutter and twisted upon itself in a soft vortex, leaving only curved slits for a tight squeeze escape. when the tiny spelunker emerged it had big balls of brownish pollen like steriod-induced gaint calf muscles. it proceeded to check that they were secure, pressing on them with middle legs, then sweeping across its body of fine fuzz, collecting or cleaning, before it lifted off with its weight for the next sealed bloom.

i wondered what i could possibly do with this for ai class. food collection? pollenation for sustaining the population? maybe a web-bee that goes out and things stick to it, it checks big smelly things (with attractive odor defined), comes back and stores, makes honey?

the book says that maybe high intelligence for a computer works differently than for human, involving more brute-force and large data storage. this may be true, but is it more useful? i think the human has a greater efficienc with limited resources. we can guess, imagine, formulate from shreds of rememberances, weed out unnecessary details. we work best with a layer of abstraction rather than wrapping ourselves in sheets of thick data. our robes are elegant and not too cumbersome, silky and breathable.

idea for project - design websights given rules of aesthetics?

08.26 | september | 09.09