spicoli schedule Help get the new season off to a good start! Email Ethan with the time(s) when you would like to play, so he can create the new on-line calendar. To make things less confusing, we are starting with October for the on-line calendar.

The Soundmachine sign-up calendar for the fall of '97 resides in Mertz 2nd North.
The physical calendar in Mertz will be the official calendar for practice sign-ups. Read below for information regarding the "on-line calendar..."

The Calendar

One month at a time will be posted on the calendar in Mertz 2nd North. The next month will be posted one week ahead of time. For example, if December starts on a Monday, the December calendar will be posted on the last Monday of November. Make sure you write the name of the band, and the time you want (beginning-ending). Only bands who are on the list (more info further down) will be acknowledged. Writing the next month's times in the margins will not mean anything when the new calendar is posted, unless you personally transcribe your times to the new calendar. Read the rest of this page for details concerning time-limits, hours of operation, the list, etc...

The On-line Calendar

An on-line version of the Mertz calendar will be posted and updated regularly. And visa-versa, you may sign up on the physical calendar in Mertz via email (read on). Due to conflicts which could occur as a result of two calendars running simultaneously, the on-line calendar will not be official. Send an email to Ethan twenty-fours hours before you would like to be signed onto the calendar in Mertz. Ethan will send out a compiled list of requests received each day before midnight (mailing the list between 12:00am and 7:00am), and the calendar will be updated during the following day by friendly people in Mertz. Volunteers to take over the email-routing in January are begged for, if not encouraged. Same goes for maintaining this entire site next year.

Band List

A list of bands will be posted on the door next to the calendar and will include band members or at least contact-people. Names, phone numbers, email, etc... will all be included. An on-line version of this list will be posted.

First Come First Served

Amazingly, this has never been a problem for the Soundmachine. We must all have good karma. Get there as soon as possible and be cool if you can't get your time. Call contact-people if you have to discuss switching.


No more than 3 official hours in a row (and no back to back 3 hour "separate" rehersals either). You cannot sign up for a rehearsal if your name/band is not on the band list next to the calandar (all you need to do is sign yourself up on both). Be considerate and don't sign up for three hours of rehearsal every night of the week. We are often on the fringe of having to create weekly limits. The only way to play for more than three hours at a time is to find a gap, and hope that no one comes in after your three hours are up. If they do though, they have every right to kick you out- even if they sign up while you are playing. That isn't too bad. Don't complain, it usually works out fine.

Swarthmore Gigs

Swat gigs have priority over rehearsals. We want people to play, and we want to give back to the campus. Equipment for gigs should be gone for no longer than 4 hours during the week (e.g. pub nite) or 6 hours on weekends. For longer shows, contact the directors for an exemption.

Basically, it has become habitual (though not desirable) that people keep the stuff overnight. This is usually because they get drunk during their show, or simply can't believe that they are expected to lug all the stuff across campus at three in the morning. Being smart and rational Swatties, bands are quick to point out that, "there is no reason for the equipment to sit in Olde Club at four in the morning." Fine. But be aware that if you leave the equipment somwhere else, and its get stolen, you are in hot water (as well as in for getting your butt kicked physically). And, you are easily pegged for losing the stuff, since you just played a gig. Additionally, look at the sign-up sheet and get the stuff back as soon as possible the next morning (none of this after lunch crap). Bands always practice on Saturday and Sunday afteroons, and the wrath you will face as the result of having made people waste their time is probably worse than that which the directors will give you. Never forget that
the director can erase your name from the list very easily. So don't push it. Lock stuff up. Get it back early. First lesson in gigs, is that cleaning up sucks. No remorse from this department.

Conflict Resolution

First shot is to call the people whose time you want for yourself and try and work out a compromise. That's why the band list is there. If this doesn't work, and you feel you are being treated unfairly, talk to the directors. And don't get too depressed, schedules are only up for one month at a time. Sign up early.

Hours of Operation

Hours of operation are located on the membership page.

[main] [intro] [membership] [equipment] [scheduling]