kirsten intro gif
The Soundmachine is a meta-practice space for Swarthmore campus-bands which has lots of microphones, amps, a drum set, and a PA for student use. It is currently located on the top floor of the Olde Club, behind the Wharton Tennis Courts, adjacent to the women's resource center. However the organization has seen many homes.
Soundmachine used to live on the third floor of Tarble. The room was spacious and carpeted, and it was easily locked and very private. In fact, most students had never heard of it. As with many aspects of Swarthmore, its took some 'connected' friends to get a key to "that room on the third floor of Tarble." Some people probably graduate without even knowing that there is a third floor in that place. Thus, the web-page was conceived. In the fall of 1996, Soundmachine, as a direct result of a disorganized membership, lost its coveted place and was sent to live in the Olde Club. Thus, the web-page actually got made.
Now, the members of Soundmachine have learned to make due with their new home, and we are doing our best (uncharacteristic of Swatties as it may seem) to take away the mystery and myth which surrounds the key to playing in a band at Swarthmore. Yeah, and one more thing, that girl is Kirsten Dunst.

The directors welcome Swat musicians to the new, friendlier, yet still disorganized...Soundmachine.

[main] [intro] [membership] [equipment] [scheduling]

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