Co/Motion: What: Information for Campers


So maybe you've heard a little from you parents about some summer camp this summer and you're wondering: What are they talking about? What's it going to be like? Do I really want to go? We thought we'd write you a letter so you'll know a little more what this summer will be like.

Co/Motion is a summer camp a lot like other summer camps. We'll play games and be outside and make friendship bracelets and other arts and crafts projects. You'll get to spend time with about 15 other awesome campers, some who you might already know. And of course, we'll be there, along with about 3 high school students, counselors in training, who went to a similar summer camp a few years ago.

Ok, so then what's different? Well, for starters everyone at the camp will be female. You're also all daughters of faculty and staff at Swarthmore. That means you have something in common already besides being female, and that the campus is your territory. We'll also be doing some activities that you might not expect to do at summer camp, like making web pages, building things with wood and saws, and having discussions about things that are important to you: What it's like to be a teenager, what you think about school, and other things about growing up female or anything else you want to talk about.

Why would we want to do these things too? Well, we all remember being in middle school, and we know it can be hard. There are lots of things we wish could have been different and questions we wish had been answered. And so we're hoping that by bringing all of us together we'll have some good conversations as well as lots of fun. Most importantly, we're hoping that we can all become friends, so that if, three years from now, you have a question that you didn't get to ask us this summer, you can give us a call and chat.

We probably haven't answered all of your questions about this camp yet, so you're welcome to e-mail us or send us letters with your questions. Your parents also have a packet of information and registration stuff that you might want to read through or help them fill out.

We're really excited to meet you!
Ester, Addie, Sarah C., Liz, Stefanie, Sorelle, Elizabeth, Sarah K., and Cadelba

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