Environmental Ethics/Philosophy


This page is my final project in the Environmental Studies Capstone Seminar at Swarthmore College which is required to complete an Environmental Studies Concentration . It is intended to provide a variety of sources for information about a range of topics in environmental ethics/philosophy.

You may view the list of topics considered during the class by going to the index, see the essays we read by following the essays link, go to a page of annotated web links I found applicable to each topic (through links), or read papers my classmates and I wrote after reflecting on the listed essays (student papers).

Section I of each page addresses more obviously philosophically-oriented ethical questions (such as: What has intrinsic value?), wheras Section II considers places where ethics are applied to practical environmental issues.

I hope this proves useful to you!



Index of Topics

List of Essays
Annotated Web Page Links
Student Papers/Reflections

Please email me with any comments/questions/suggestions you have regarding this page.

Acknowledgements: to Hans Oberdiek for leading such a valuable and enlightening class, Louis P. Pojman for an excellent book of essays, and the other members of this seminar for the superior discussions that came out of our experience together.