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september 26, 2004

they two
are the most implausible
and the most beautiful pairing

walking with you i see how
one can be drawn towards fire
and repulsed

treading the theater grid
the roofs in the wind
i know death
and know
this is not death
only the pale shadow of fear

he weaves words
a defense
an explanation
an identity
trying to understand
and she
with a touch
dispels them

only watching
the tension in the air
do i want it all to fall
or stand
gathering energy
for the inevitable end

you trust

it is the dream
that is in your eyes
the sphere around you
no one can penetrate

a turn by the eyes
and too susceptible to poetry
i am caught up in your swing
caring too much
for the characters too well narrated
their quirks
their joys

she asked me
she told me i was happy
and i am happy for her
am i happy?
what would it mean if i were?
what would it mean if i weren't?

is heavy
hope flies
words twist
and i find myself regretting
all the various interpretations 
of romance
the word that shifts and changes
and refuses to remain what it seems

and i mirror
forgetting whatever it was
i was meant to be