This is what happens when you get stuck in a house with three guys and one other girl...back

"I'll never understand implants. Giant bags... of silicon... under your skin... ewww." -Tom

"Are you really keeping quotes? I'm not saying anything anymore. Ok, I can't." -Tom

"Did you eat that? That's not a real carrot! Eww!" -Tom to Leslie

"Some farmer: This Saudi wanted to learn to ride a horse. You know he's gonna ride it into some building." -Tom, about Nick joining Al Qaeda

"Man, you could kick that fraggle's ass!" -Tom to Claire

"I wanna see a show of hands: Who thinks that if the poles switched, we'd all be dead?" -Nick
"Wait, if I raise my hand, does that mean I vote republican too?" -Leslie

"And just to confuse them, flippers." -Tom, on his final dive into the playboy mansion.

"I don't think you're sick, I just think you're an asshole." -Nick, to Tom

"Did he just fall down a well?" -Nick, watching Tom disappear into the underbrush while trying to lay a transit line

"You're not going to offend me if you don't like my cereal." -Tom
"Do you have something against Cheerios?" -Nick

"That's because people here have been born with a silver spork up their ass." -Tom