Welcome to MY World...


Welcome to ME!!!


This page is about me. This page is about my world. This page is about the people that I come in contact with every day---the people whom I love and hate. The people who have made a difference to me.

This page is about helping other people, through art and through expression and through resources. This page is about embracing queer culture. This page is about celebrating diversity. This page is about me venting my frustrations and shouting at the top of my lungs through poetry.

I told a friend once that I was scared of getting older. That I was scared of becoming a "functional adult." That I was scared about graduating in the new millineum. That I was scared about being repsonsible for the future of American Education. That I was scared of what the world would become in this new age we are approaching.

About a month later I felt a little less tense. I was speaking to her on the phone and I had one of those odd moments of clarity, of peacefulness. And I told her that I realized that all along I was wrong. All along I had been worried about how I was going to fit into the world. And now I realize, it isn't about me fitting into the world.

It's about me changing the world so that I fit.


SO. Are you feelin' lucky, punk?